“The important thing is not to stop questioning.”
— Albert Einstein
I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Management Control and Strategic Management at the University of Klagenfurt in Austria. My research primarily revolves around the use of simulation-based approaches, particularly agent-based simulation, to understand critical issues at the nexus of management science, organizational research, and complex systems. This includes a focused study on the conversion of neoclassical models into multi-agent systems, exploring the emergence of management controls, and investigating behavioral control mechanisms within organizations. Additionally, my work extends to organizational and social learning, as well as the principles of bottom-up organizational design.
Of particular interest to me is the reproducibility of results in the social sciences. I am dedicated to understanding and improving the ways in which agent-based models and other simulation methods can yield reliable, repeatable findings that stand the test of rigorous academic scrutiny. This facet of my work not only enriches my primary research areas but also plays a vital role in advancing the broader landscape of social science research.
I serve as an academic editor for PLoS ONE and participate on the editorial boards of Social Sciences & Humanities Open and SN Business & Economics. Additionally, I am a core faculty member in the Self-Organizing Systems research cluster.
I earned my doctoral degree in Social Sciences and Economics from the University of Klagenfurt in 2012 with distinction. In 2018, I was awarded the title of venia docendi in Business Economics from the University of Klagenfurt. In 2021, I received the Advancement Award in the Humanities and Social Sciences category as part of the Cultural Prices awarded by the government of Carinthia.
My research interests include:
- Organizational dynamics
- Collaborative organizing
- Theory development
- Self-organization in organizations
- Validation of agent-based models
My teaching interests include:
- Integrated management
- Business analytics
- Management control
- Corporate planning and control
- Model-based science
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